Prouille School thrives on close and very important relationships with our Parish Priest – Father Kelvin Lovegrove, Sacramental Preparation Co-Ordinator Mrs Sally Oong and Prouille Parents and Friends Association.
Without their continued support, Prouille would not be able to achieve the high standards we have enjoyed over the years.
Our Parents and Friends’ Association provides many functions and opportunities for parents to meet and enjoy the company of other parents in the community and staff members. Parents’ contributions in many areas – educational, social, financial and general support – are highly valued. A Parent Education Committee has been formed in recent times to present educational and parenting programs, new directions and opportunities to the parents of Prouille.
Prouille Soccer Club and Water Street Netball Club are initiatives by parents to further provide Prouille families with healthy, active pursuits and other social opportunities.
Prouille is indeed a welcoming community!
Kindy 2023 Transition
A huge part of our school community is our Kindy Transition Program! This program enables our newest members of Prouille the opportunity to feel truly welcomed and immersed within the culture and surroundings of Prouille prior to commencing school.
We enable this, we offer a Kindy Parent Information evening, followed by a two-week Transition Period where the children come along to attend two consecutive morning sessions. These sessions involve the children participating in such activities as ‘Learning in Literacy’, ‘Marvellous Maths’, ‘Investigating in Science and ICLT’, ‘Craft Creations’ and ‘Gardening’.
These sessions also allow the children to meet their ‘Big Buddy’ and forge a connection through play based activities and small classroom learning tasks, ahead of starting ‘Big School’.
Dominican Heritage
At Prouille we acknowledge our Dominican Heritage and foundation in many different ways. Our main entry way into school is known as the ‘Dominican Walkway’ with ten of the Dominican Values listed on sandstone pavers which are embedded into the walkway. These values are a guide for how best we can live our life in the way Jesus would want us to.
Our buildings and classrooms are named after significant places or people associated with the Dominican tradition.
We have Dominican symbols around the school, such as our Dominican Cross at the entry way to our school, the ‘fleur de lys’ inspired Compass within our Meeting Place, and our Welcome Mosaic Crest as you approach our main reception.
As well, our House Colour Banners are linked to past Parish priests (many of whom belonged to the Order of Preachers) and the symbols are key Dominican symbols that are linked to St Dominic’s story and the Dominican Crest.