The Key Learning Area of Religious Education has been sequentially developed by the Catholic Schools Broken Bay and is regularly revised.
“It is recognised that the proper place for catechises is the family, helped by other Christian communities, especially the local parish. But the importance and need for catechetical instruction in Catholic schools cannot be sufficiently emphasised. Here young people are helped to grow towards maturity in faith.” The Catholic School P.40
At Prouille, we strive to fulfil the belief that every human being is unique and loved by God. One way in which we seek to fulfil this is through the delivery of our Religious Education Curriculum. The aim of the syllabus is to “develop students’ awareness, understanding and appreciation of the Catholic tradition founded in Sacred Scriptures so that they may participate as active members of the Church within the wider community.” (Diocese of Broken Bay K-12 Religious Education Curriculum).
The syllabus is organised into five strands which include:
- God, Revelation and Human Destiny
- Jesus, Human and Divine
- Church and Discipleship
- Prayer and Sacraments
- Sacred Scripture
At Prouille, we ensure that the quality Religious Education we provide, is an expression of the Catholic Worldview which permeates our total school environment. Therefore we aim to make Religious Education alive and child centred by employing the best teaching methodologies, incorporating creative teaching strategies, including visible thinking routines and the use of Information Technology.
As well, we endeavour to offer a range of opportunities for students so that they may participate in the life of the Church and experience what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. It is present throughout the school in the relationships, in the symbols, in pastoral care, in daily rituals and routines, in celebrations, in policy making and in timetabling and it emanates from an understanding and appreciation of the Sacred Scriptures and the life and tradition of the Church.
We believe that this knowledge and understanding must be engaged with contemporary social issues and the life experience of our students.
“Jesus teaches us another way: Go out. Go out and share your testimony, go out and interact with your brothers, go out and share, go out and ask. Become the Word in body as well as spirit.” Pope Francis
While the Sacramental Programme is Parish based, the school ensures appropriate Sacramental Units are taught in conjunction with the Parish Programme.
- Confirmation – Year 2
- First Reconciliation & First Communion – Year 3
The Religious Education Programme and Faith Development is not taught in isolation, but as a part of everyday life, where children are encouraged to reflect on the message of Jesus and put it into practice.